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পদ্ম ফল এর উপকারিতা।

পদ্ম ফলের উপকারিতা। পদ্ম মূলত বহুবর্ষজীবী কন্দ জাতীয় ভূয়াশ্রয়ী জলজ  উদ্ভিদ। এর পাতা জলের উপরে ভেসে থাকলেও এর কন্দ জলের নিচে মাটির আশ্রয় নিয়া বংশবিস্তার করিতে থাকে এবং এভাবেই বেঁচে থাকে। জলের সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে পদ্মের ডাটা পানির নিচে বাড়তে থাকে সেইসঙ্গে পাতা পানির উপর ভাসতে থাকে। চিকন চিকন ও মসৃণ পদ্মের ডাটার ভিতরে স্পঞ্জের মত ফাঁপা ফাঁপা থাকে। এর তরকারিও খাওয়া হয় ।সবুজ রঙের পানাকৃতির পাতাগুলো দেখতে ধার গুলো কিছুটা খাচ্ কাটা ।যাহা দেখতে প্রক‌ৃতির মতই সুন্দর। ছায়া ও রাতে পদ্ম ফুল গুলো সুশোভিত ভাবে নিজেকে ফুটিয়ে পরিবেশ পরিস্থিতিকে মোহনীয় করে তোলে।  সদ্য ফোটা ফুলের মিষ্টি গন্ধ পাওয়া যায় । ফুল থেকে যে ফলের সৃষ্টি হয় তাকে আমরা খ৺চা, পদ্ম খ৺চা ,পদ্ম ফল ,পদ্ম চাকা, কমল ফল ইত্যাদি নামে ডেকে থাকি। সবুজ রংয়ের খাচাঁকৃতি এ ফলের ভিতরে বাদামের দানার মত ছোট ছোট দানা হয়ে থাকে ।যেগুলো আমরা সাধারণত খেয়ে থাকি এবং এই ফলোই পরিপুষ্ট হলে তা থেকে গাছও জন্মাতে পারি। বহুল প্রচলিত এই পদ্মফুলের বীজ থেকে আমরা মানব দেহের উপকারার্থে অনেক প্রকার ঔষধি গুণ বা ভেষজ গুণ দেখতে পাই। পুষ্টিগুণে ভরপুর...

Hog Plum destroys diabetes, Cholesterol and protect Heart attack.

Hog Plun

In total, if you eat one to two daily meals, your diabetes will lower blood glucose levels, increase insulin levels and contribute to insulin production.  Eat regular "Hog plum" fruits and stay free of diabetes.

Dear Reader and blogger, brothers and sisters,
   Greetings to all
    Well, good luck, I want to be well, I want blessings.

    Let me present to you today, about "Hog Plum'" In Bengali called "Amra", a vitamin-C-rich fruit.
 In today's world, it has been called "golden apple" because of its many benefits.

    A fruit containing "Vitamin-c",, it has many "nutrition" and "herbal" qualities.  Hog Plum" (Amra) is generally found in two varieties in our country.  One is smaller than the other is large.  The smaller size is the lower amount of edible portion and the higher talk.  Bigger size is , fleshy, more of the consumable portion, the talk is much less expensive and even more fun to eat.

 Food and nutrition research has emerged, with 100 grams of edible fruits, with about 12-16 Kilo Kallory of food power :-

  The nutrients in the diet are almost as follows:-
  * Vitamin-C ------------------------93-mg

 * Carotene- ----------------------810-mcg

 * Calcium- -------------------------- 56-mg

 * Iron - --------------------------------3.8-mg

 * Sugar -----------------------------------14-g

 * Protene ------------------------------ 1.2-g

 * Fat ----------------- -------------------- 0.1 g

 * Vitamin B -------------------- 10.25 mg

* Minerals - ------ ------------------ 1.5-mg

 * Water -------------------------------------84%
★ To raise interest and hunger:-

We have plenty of "vitamin-B and vitamin-C.  Therefore, eating a small amount of "Hog plum" will definitely relieve your mood and increase appetite in the stomach.  Can you eat one or two mangoes a day and fill your stomach?  Please comment.
★ Stop the blood shortage :-

 A large amount of "iron" and "vitamin-C" in our stomach can play an effective role in increasing blood hemoglobin levels.  It normalizes the brightness of the blood and protects the human body from anemia and inferiority.  Eat "Hog Plum, stay well.

 ★ Scurvy, mouth sores and bruises: -

 We have plenty of Vitamin C, which is capable of playing a sufficient role in clearing human blood, eating one or two "Hog Plum" every day, delaying mouth wounds, scarring and drying of any wound in the body, will work like magic.  .

★ To prevent blood clotting :-

 The large amount of vitamin-K, Vitamin-C and "Antioxidants" contained in the blood plays a role in maintaining the normal concentration of blood and in effect the normal clotting barrier is also normal.
★ Reduce diabetes :-

We have lots of "Dietary Fiber", vitamin-C, and antioxidants.  Which enters the intestines of the human body, initiates a powerful role in "weakening pancreas".  The hormone called "insulin" is easily produced.  Which easily transforms the energy of the name of "sugar" into a body protector. In total, if you eat one to two daily meals, your diabetes will lower blood glucose levels, increase insulin levels and contribute to insulin production.  Eat regular "Hog plum" fruits and stay free of diabetes.
★Attempt and digestion :-

The large amount of "dietary fiber" present in our stomach is very effective in promoting digestion.  It strengthens the weak mucus of the gut many days by entering the stomach.  As a result, the frozen stools tend to soften and slowly dissolve.  At one time, it was normal for the constipation to go away.  It also reduces excess gas production.  To increase digestion, chew ginger and make juice and eat it will be beneficial.  This is why beetles can be eaten in combination.

Read More ---Guavas benefit 
★ Protect the skin :-

 It contains anti-aging "anti-aging", "antioxidant" and strong vitamin C ingredients.  Regularly eating "Hog Plum" maintains skin's moisture and normal moisture.  The extracellular dead cells easily shed the cells, maintaining the skin's natural radiance.  For this reason, eat at least one or two "Hog Plum" daily, keep the skin healthy.
★ Reduce cholesterol :-

 Our result is a lot of "anti
 Oxidants "," Vitamin-C "and" Food Fiber "that enter the veins of the human body easily, increase blood-derived cholesterol (HDL), eliminate the core of harmful cholesterol (LDL), thus protecting the heart.  Reduces the balance of blood pressure.
★ To cure sore throat, cough and fever :-

The "Antioxidants and vitamin-C" present in our stomach play a huge role in the prevention and cure of fever, colds, coughs, sore throat and eye problems.  To avoid these problems, eat at least one or two "Hog Plum"every day, stay healthy.

     Friends here today, write about Amra, stay tuned until I come to a new useful post in the future

     Dr. AJM Nazrul Islam

Ex teacher, experienced Homeopathy and Herbal  physician and health columnist.
