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পদ্ম ফল এর উপকারিতা।

পদ্ম ফলের উপকারিতা। পদ্ম মূলত বহুবর্ষজীবী কন্দ জাতীয় ভূয়াশ্রয়ী জলজ  উদ্ভিদ। এর পাতা জলের উপরে ভেসে থাকলেও এর কন্দ জলের নিচে মাটির আশ্রয় নিয়া বংশবিস্তার করিতে থাকে এবং এভাবেই বেঁচে থাকে। জলের সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে পদ্মের ডাটা পানির নিচে বাড়তে থাকে সেইসঙ্গে পাতা পানির উপর ভাসতে থাকে। চিকন চিকন ও মসৃণ পদ্মের ডাটার ভিতরে স্পঞ্জের মত ফাঁপা ফাঁপা থাকে। এর তরকারিও খাওয়া হয় ।সবুজ রঙের পানাকৃতির পাতাগুলো দেখতে ধার গুলো কিছুটা খাচ্ কাটা ।যাহা দেখতে প্রক‌ৃতির মতই সুন্দর। ছায়া ও রাতে পদ্ম ফুল গুলো সুশোভিত ভাবে নিজেকে ফুটিয়ে পরিবেশ পরিস্থিতিকে মোহনীয় করে তোলে।  সদ্য ফোটা ফুলের মিষ্টি গন্ধ পাওয়া যায় । ফুল থেকে যে ফলের সৃষ্টি হয় তাকে আমরা খ৺চা, পদ্ম খ৺চা ,পদ্ম ফল ,পদ্ম চাকা, কমল ফল ইত্যাদি নামে ডেকে থাকি। সবুজ রংয়ের খাচাঁকৃতি এ ফলের ভিতরে বাদামের দানার মত ছোট ছোট দানা হয়ে থাকে ।যেগুলো আমরা সাধারণত খেয়ে থাকি এবং এই ফলোই পরিপুষ্ট হলে তা থেকে গাছও জন্মাতে পারি। বহুল প্রচলিত এই পদ্মফুলের বীজ থেকে আমরা মানব দেহের উপকারার্থে অনেক প্রকার ঔষধি গুণ বা ভেষজ গুণ দেখতে পাই। পুষ্টিগুণে ভরপুর...

Mushrooms can control up to 100% of diabetes and high blood pressure.


When compared  to the rich and other protein rich foods, it is found in mushrooms, one and a half times more than meat, twice as much as fish and three times more than egg.  The other amino acids present in mushroom are much more than fish, meat and eggs.

   "Mushroom " A type of fungus looks like a Umbrella of frog . All the continents of the world are being used as well as vegetables and herbal medicines .

     There is no need to cultivate this shawl. Many of the rooms in the courtyard of the house and the interior shade of the house.
      It is possible to cultivate. There are special technical training for this.

Today, small, large and international quality hotels, mushrooms, florries, juices, cold drinks, soup, test powders and many other tastes are being made, which are considered expensive food to health conscious food recipients. *

      Mushroom is very popular in India and Bangladesh because of its extremely nutritious, delicious and medicinal properties.
     It contains lots of vitamins, minerals, proteins, antibiotics, antioxidants and amino acids.

 Food and Nutrition Researchers, who have come up in research, per 100 gram mushroom have 26 kilocelry of energy.

 # Protein ------------------------------------ 2.5 g

 # Sugars -------- -------------------------- 4.2 g

 # Fat ---------- ------------------------------ 0.2 g

 # Thiamine-B--- ----------------------0.1  mg

 # Riboflavin - B2 -------------------- 0.7 mg

 # Niacin B3 --------------------------- 3.7 mg

 # Pantothenic acid B5 -----------3.3 mg

 # Calcium ------------------------------ 20 mg

 # Phosphorus --------------------- 122 mg

 # Potassium------------------------ 449 mg

 # Sodium ----------------------------- 6.5 mg

 # Zinc ---------------------------------- 1.2 mg

 When compared to the rich and other protein rich foods, it is found in mushrooms, one and a half times more than meat, twice as much as fish and three times more than egg.  The other amino acids present in mushroom are much more than fish, meat and eggs.

    Food and Nutrition experts said that "the role of amino acids in the presence of 9 acids of proteins needed to keep the human body healthy, which is very much available, which is available abundantly in the Mushroom".

   Fish, meat and eggs have more time, more amounts of blood, blood with amino acids

  Increase in the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease increase in harmful cholesterol (LDL). Mashrooms are consumed more than daily, but harmful cholesterol does not increase.

Read More-- Apple Nut

    On the other hand, lobustantin, antenadenin, eritadenine and niacin present in the mushroom, by removing new and long-standing bad cholesterol (LDL) and establishing beneficial cholesterol (HDL). As a nutrition expert said, "Mushroom protein is not only fat fat but only a little carbohydrate".

   There are 25-35 grams of protein in 100 grams dry mushroom and contain meat, eggs and fish, beneficial and harmful protein molecules 13 - 25 grams.

    In the mushroom there are many sophisticated herbal products like keeping the body healthy and preventing and preventing diseases. Extra large amounts of vitamins, minerals, calcium, iron, potassium and cinnamon, which are very effective in keeping the human from disease free.

    To stimulate sex hormones, the mushroom has a strong antioxidant called "Gothionine", which is your sexual energy.

Able to excite at the moment. 

   Diabetes patients regularly eat mushrooms, the supply of insulin hormones in the blood is normal and glucose levels are in control.

    Existing cholesterol in the mushroom keeps the blood circulation normal by drying carbohydrate, enzymes, fiber, potassium harmful cholesterol (LDL) settlement. Blood pressure is regulated and blood circulates unbearably in the heart, so the human body is completely healthy.

Food and nutrition experts say, "If men and women of the age of 40 practice eating regular mushrooms, they will avoid bone loss, prevent arthritis pain, smooth skin, prevent premature aging and keep the body" disease free and functioning ".

 Mashroom can also increase digestion, prevent constipation and prevent place, colon and prostate cancer.

     After mother's pregnancy and postpartum, mushroom will work as a tonic and will help the growing children to grow healthy and develop talent.

Photo and Writing - Dr. AJM NazrulI islam.

 Ex teacher, experienced Homeopathy and Herbal  physician and health columnist.


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