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পদ্ম ফল এর উপকারিতা।

পদ্ম ফলের উপকারিতা। পদ্ম মূলত বহুবর্ষজীবী কন্দ জাতীয় ভূয়াশ্রয়ী জলজ  উদ্ভিদ। এর পাতা জলের উপরে ভেসে থাকলেও এর কন্দ জলের নিচে মাটির আশ্রয় নিয়া বংশবিস্তার করিতে থাকে এবং এভাবেই বেঁচে থাকে। জলের সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে পদ্মের ডাটা পানির নিচে বাড়তে থাকে সেইসঙ্গে পাতা পানির উপর ভাসতে থাকে। চিকন চিকন ও মসৃণ পদ্মের ডাটার ভিতরে স্পঞ্জের মত ফাঁপা ফাঁপা থাকে। এর তরকারিও খাওয়া হয় ।সবুজ রঙের পানাকৃতির পাতাগুলো দেখতে ধার গুলো কিছুটা খাচ্ কাটা ।যাহা দেখতে প্রক‌ৃতির মতই সুন্দর। ছায়া ও রাতে পদ্ম ফুল গুলো সুশোভিত ভাবে নিজেকে ফুটিয়ে পরিবেশ পরিস্থিতিকে মোহনীয় করে তোলে।  সদ্য ফোটা ফুলের মিষ্টি গন্ধ পাওয়া যায় । ফুল থেকে যে ফলের সৃষ্টি হয় তাকে আমরা খ৺চা, পদ্ম খ৺চা ,পদ্ম ফল ,পদ্ম চাকা, কমল ফল ইত্যাদি নামে ডেকে থাকি। সবুজ রংয়ের খাচাঁকৃতি এ ফলের ভিতরে বাদামের দানার মত ছোট ছোট দানা হয়ে থাকে ।যেগুলো আমরা সাধারণত খেয়ে থাকি এবং এই ফলোই পরিপুষ্ট হলে তা থেকে গাছও জন্মাতে পারি। বহুল প্রচলিত এই পদ্মফুলের বীজ থেকে আমরা মানব দেহের উপকারার্থে অনেক প্রকার ঔষধি গুণ বা ভেষজ গুণ দেখতে পাই। পুষ্টিগুণে ভরপুর...

Burmese grapes Eating, Safe from diabetes, heart attack and cholesterol.

Burmese Grapes  

 Pendant is a delicious seasonal fruit. Usually in asphalt and acacia fishes are available in the market. It contains twice as many calories than jackfruit There are many types of herbs, vitamins C, D, A, B, "potassium", "calcium", carotene, minerals, and many other medications

Dear visitors, bloggers, brothers and sisters,  Best wishes to all

 Today, I will present to you about the acidic honey that is "obsolete" cultivated in the Indian subcontinent.  Which is preferred by everyone, small and large.  This fruit tree is once wild in the forests and in the lowlands of Asia.  First, people from the indigenous Santal community of 8 Asia discovered it and started eating it.  Later, people from many other communities eat a little bit of experimentation, recognizing it as a result.  Later, when the forest is deserted, the Eiffel tree begins to decorate in the family garden, with the encouragement of household lovers and tree lovers.  In many countries of the present world, the cultivation of asphalt is commercially cultivated, but widespread cultivation is not seen.  In recent times, it has been found to grow commercially in some places including Tangail, Dhamrai and Madhupur in Bangladesh and in some places including Kuch Bihar, West Bengal of India.

 Yes, dear friends
 Talking about"Burmese Grape " fruit, some other names can be heard in Bengal, for example, "pendant," "pendant", "nut", "bully", "flower" and "poor grape" anywhere.  In English it is called "Burmese Grape", sometimes called "Rambai" and "Rambi".

 "Pendant" is a delicious seasonal fruit.  Usually in asphalt and acacia fishes are available in the market.
 It contains twice as many calories than jackfruit
 There are many types of herbs, vitamins C, D, A, B, "potassium", "calcium", carotene, minerals, and many other medications.

 This fruit is commercially cultivated in many countries of Asia and Europe, including Bangladesh, Malaysia, Thailand, Pakistan and India.  Before maturity, its color looks green, but when mature, it has some grape-like color, and inside it is a light purple and white pigment cell.  Its bark and bark have been used medicinally since ancient times.  Its bark, roots, leaves have been used as herbs for thousands of years with good reputation.

ach 100 gram of consuming "pendant" is a result of 91 kilocalories of energy.  The food and nutrient judgments are as follows:

 * Proten -------------------------------- 1.40-gram

 * Fat ------------------------------------- 0.০5-gram

 * Sugar --- ------------------------------------- Nil

 * Daytary Fibere---- ------------------1.2-gram

 *Minerals ----------------------------------- 10-mg

 * Vitamin-B1 ----------------------------- 0.5-mg

 * Vitamin-B2 ---------------------------- 0.22-mg

 * Vitamin C ----------------------------- - 180-mg

 * Iron ---------------------------------------- 0.5-mg

 * Water -------------------------------------- 93%

@ When removel of diabetes :-

 "Lotkon" fruit is completely, the enemy of diabetes, free of sugars. Sugar will never increase in the blood of the human body while playing for a lifetime. By absorbing the excess sugars contained in the blood, you will keep the body free of diabetes.  Depending on the available, it is possible to take advantage of it all year long, playing at least three to five days a week.  Be Obese Free

 @ Seasonal cold and cough cure: -

 "Pendant" contains plenty of vitamin-C.  Seasonal cold cough can play an effective role in preventing and curing problems.  If you eat at least four to five days a week at the time these fruits are available, your body may be full of vitamin-C deficiency throughout the year.

 @ Disease prevention and skin care: -

 As a result of the pendant, vitamins A, B, C, D, mineral reserves, vitamins, and oxidation and toxins are essential components to increase the immunity of the human body.  Which can keep your body healthy by releasing oxide and toxins.  At the same time, the longevity of the skin will hold long.  Well, eat the pendant.

 @ To reduce nausea and thirst: -

 Pendant contains "Anti Vomiting", Anti Thrust "," Antioxidant "and plenty of Vitamin-C. These ingredients are very effective in preventing and preventing any type of nausea, vomiting and vomiting, for whatever reason it has" Anti Thrusting "ingredients.  Regardless of thirst, this fruit can be avoided by sucking it.

Read More-- Brinjal benefit 

 @ Bronze Pendant Fruit: -

 For people who have been suffering from bronchitis and night-time fever for a long time, their leaves and roots are very useful.

 @ Use of trees in the stomach: -

 The pendant leaves and roots are able to heal the gums, new and old.  Old pigs can be eaten for longer.  If you have trouble, you should stop eating.  Reduces diarrhea by drying powder.

 @ In anesthesia-

 As a result of the pendant there is a large number of layers.  Which helps to reduce anemia by increasing the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.  Pendant increases sexual capacity by reducing neurological impairment.

 @ Gonorrhea Disease: -

 The gonorrhea medicine is made from the rule of lactone seeds.  By which the treatment of this disease has been coming from a long time.  Pendant has the ability to prevent neurological impairment.  Depending on what is available, if consumed four to five days a week, the nerve cells of the human body become naturally active and sexual energy will also increase

 @ To normalize high blood pressure: -

 As a result of the latcone, there is an adequate amount of "potassium" minerals that are visually useful in reducing high blood pressure.  It maintains the normal flow of blood flow to the heart and reduces cardiovascular risk.

 @ Pendant for bone and cell formation: -

 The pendant contains calcium and potent "amino acids", which are very effective in preventing bone loss and protecting the "cartilage" group, a result of obesity, especially useful in sciatica and arthritis.

 @  Dermatitis: -

 The skin and skin of the leaf and bark of the "pendant" tree can be benefited from psoriasis.

 @ Reduces human stress: -

 People suffering from depression and depression, who are unable to concentrate on anything, can regularly eat lotkon fruits.  Its "Potassium" and "Vitamin-C" will help you stay well.

 @ To increase digestion: -

 Pendant contains lots of "fiber" which helps to increase digestion.  Nutrition experts said
 "Seasonal fruit" pendant ", 2 to 3 days per week, if you eat whole seasons , you will get the benefit of it all year long.

Picture and Written by:Dr Nazrul Islam

Ex teacher, experienced Homeopathy and Herbal  physician and health columnist.


  1. আমার লেখা ও চিকিৎসা কর্মকাণ্ডে স্বাগতম।


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