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পদ্ম ফল এর উপকারিতা।

পদ্ম ফলের উপকারিতা। পদ্ম মূলত বহুবর্ষজীবী কন্দ জাতীয় ভূয়াশ্রয়ী জলজ  উদ্ভিদ। এর পাতা জলের উপরে ভেসে থাকলেও এর কন্দ জলের নিচে মাটির আশ্রয় নিয়া বংশবিস্তার করিতে থাকে এবং এভাবেই বেঁচে থাকে। জলের সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে পদ্মের ডাটা পানির নিচে বাড়তে থাকে সেইসঙ্গে পাতা পানির উপর ভাসতে থাকে। চিকন চিকন ও মসৃণ পদ্মের ডাটার ভিতরে স্পঞ্জের মত ফাঁপা ফাঁপা থাকে। এর তরকারিও খাওয়া হয় ।সবুজ রঙের পানাকৃতির পাতাগুলো দেখতে ধার গুলো কিছুটা খাচ্ কাটা ।যাহা দেখতে প্রক‌ৃতির মতই সুন্দর। ছায়া ও রাতে পদ্ম ফুল গুলো সুশোভিত ভাবে নিজেকে ফুটিয়ে পরিবেশ পরিস্থিতিকে মোহনীয় করে তোলে।  সদ্য ফোটা ফুলের মিষ্টি গন্ধ পাওয়া যায় । ফুল থেকে যে ফলের সৃষ্টি হয় তাকে আমরা খ৺চা, পদ্ম খ৺চা ,পদ্ম ফল ,পদ্ম চাকা, কমল ফল ইত্যাদি নামে ডেকে থাকি। সবুজ রংয়ের খাচাঁকৃতি এ ফলের ভিতরে বাদামের দানার মত ছোট ছোট দানা হয়ে থাকে ।যেগুলো আমরা সাধারণত খেয়ে থাকি এবং এই ফলোই পরিপুষ্ট হলে তা থেকে গাছও জন্মাতে পারি। বহুল প্রচলিত এই পদ্মফুলের বীজ থেকে আমরা মানব দেহের উপকারার্থে অনেক প্রকার ঔষধি গুণ বা ভেষজ গুণ দেখতে পাই। পুষ্টিগুণে ভরপুর...

Brinjal is drag High blood pressure and Diabetes.


 Eggplant is the name of an acronym known worldwide.  More and more oysters are cultivated in all continents of the world.  Although there are different colors of eggplant on earth, eggplant is actually world-renowned for its purple appearance.  The color number 3 of the 7 colors of "Rainbow" is also "Purple", which originates from the name of this Purple, and the name of a "Unique" color of Purple, "Purple"

 There are many names of "eggplant" in shape and color, which are lower in size for the people of India and Bangladesh, Bengali-speaking, round eggplant "tal eggplant",egg shaped is called "eggplant, kg weight is called "kg eggplant",  If the horn of the cow is "horned eggplant", if eye color is "nayantara eggplant", light violet color is "shaka eggplant", originating in Ishwardi "Ishwardi eggplant" also "laksha", "nataphoria", "islamnpuri", "nayanpuri".  "And depending on the area, there are many names of our trademark cynicism of the eggplant.

 As far as the "eggplant" is known, it was first grown in the Mediterranean.  Later spread to all continents.  Although it is widely cultivated in India and Bangladesh, it is also known to be grown on equal scale in other continents.

 Eggplant is called in English, Eggplant, aubergine, Brinjal etc.

 Although the name is "eggplant" (not counted), the acacia is actually very thick.

 "Eggplant, sweet, pungent and warm, bile, reduces fever, increases appetite, facilitates maturation".
 Eggplant  can be cooked and eaten by mixing all vegetables including fish, meat, eggs.  Also, many types of dishes are made from eggplant fry (bhaji), pest, chutney, pulses, flory and chops.

During the Iftar month of Ramadan in Muslim society, a kind of "chop" called "purple" made in oil and fried, is very popular. If it is not with Iftar, "Iftar" is not complete.

 In terms of diet and nutrition, every 100 grams of eggplant is 28 kilocalories of energy.

 Which is the following in the diet and nutrition standards

 * Protein ---------------------------------------- 79 g

 * Sugar ----------------------------------------- 3.5 g

 * Total fat  ------------ --------------- ------0.20 g

 * Carbohydrates ------ ----------------------- 6 g

 * Fibre  ----------------------------------------- 3.5 g

 * Vitamin A -------------------------------- 122 IU

 * Thiamine-B1 -------------------- ---0.050 mg

 * Riboflavin-B2 ---------------------- 0.040 mg

 * Niacin-B4 ---------------------------- 0.650 mg

 * Pantothenic acid-B5-------------0.050 mg

 * Foliate-B9 ------------------------------- 25 mcg

 * Vitamin-C -------------------------------- 2.5 mg

 * Vitamin-E ------------- -------- ---------- 0.4 mg

 * Vitamin-K -------------------- ------------3.7 mg

 * Calcium ------------------------------------ 10 mg

 * Magnesium ------------------------------ 14 mg

 * Manganese -------------------------- 0.235 mg

 * Potassium ------------------------------ 225 mg

 * Phosphorus ------------------------------ 26 mg

 * Iron ---------------------------------------- 0.25 mg

 * Nicotine --------------  ------------------- 0.8 mg

 * Water ----------------- ------------------ 95 

 ★★ Benefits

 # To prevent cancer:-

 Antioxidants include chlorogenic anthocyanin and , a rare antioxidant ingredient and vitamin-C.  All of these powerful elements, by removing the free radicals of the human body, keep the body free from its harmful effects. This prevents the growth of tumors and cancer cells and does not allow the formation of new cancer cells.  The risk of breast cancer can be greatly reduced.

 # Role of eggplant to reduce weight -

 Eggplant has a strong role in reducing weight.  Food and nutritionists say that eggplant contains a large amount of dietary fiber, antioxidants, and vitamin-C and the factors that contribute to late digestion.  Due to the combination of these functional ingredients, eggplant is slowly digested and stays in the stomach for long periods of time, so hunger is delayed.  The stomach seems to be full, so food intake is also reduced.  In this way, when eaten late, the body's unwanted fat gradually disappears.

 # Effect of eggplant on blood pressure control -

 Potassium, mineral, electrolyte, which is present in eggplant to reduce high blood pressure, ensures normal movement of blood, maintains normal balance and regulates the amount of salt in the blood, thus keeping blood pressure normal.

Read More-- Burmese Grapes 

 # Protecting the skin-

 The active ingredient in eggplant, anthocyanin and nasunin, is a powerful antioxidant and Vitamin-C that easily removes the brain's freeridical and harmful oxide groups, refreshes the body and ensures nourishment of cells.  As a result, the dead cells of the skin drop easily and fresh cells begin to form.  This results in the appearance of brightness of the skin by blending easily with the blemishes, folds, age marks and unwanted spots of the skin. 

 # The role of eggplant on the brain -

 Antioxidants, such as photoelectric cells and antho- cyanine, in purple, prevent brain stress and neuroinflammation on brain cells and membranes, and reduce memory loss and prevent the development of intelligence, reducing the loss of thousands of functional and beneficial neurosensors.  Eggplant has an effective role in preventing the problem of alzheimer's.

 # Heart keeps well when eggplant

 Purple contains a lot of potassium, vitamin B6, fluoronide, anthocyanin, and flavonoid, all in strong antioxidant ingredients to keep the heart healthy. It also protects the body from protecting the body by protecting the free radicals that cause heart disease or cause heart disease.  Eggplant also plays a role in controlling cardiovascular problems.


 # Cholesterol control eggplant-

 Eggplant contains strong antioxidants, fiber and vitamin C and "Cholesterol Dehydrated Elements" cholesterol droplets.
 Which is capable of eliminating the lineage of harmful cholesterol (LDL, TG) by increasing the levels of beneficial cholesterol (HDL) in human blood.  As a result, the normal functioning of the blood vessels is maintained and the blood supply to the heart is increased as the cardiovascular capacity of the heart is increased.

 # Bone to strengthen the bones of the brain -

 The water and beneficial antigens present in eggplant, nourish the scalp, strengthen the hair follicle and stop the hair fall.
 Vegetarian curry and rice for eggplant

 Feeds are provided in the form of illness.
 Playing eggplant can be allergic to many.  They were advised to eat eggplant after listening.

 Let the eggplant enter your shrill with this desire, till today.  See you with a new post.  Stay tuned -

Photo and written by : Dr Nazrul  

 Ex teacher,  experienced Homeopathy and Herbal  physician and health columnist


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