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পদ্ম ফল এর উপকারিতা।

পদ্ম ফলের উপকারিতা। পদ্ম মূলত বহুবর্ষজীবী কন্দ জাতীয় ভূয়াশ্রয়ী জলজ  উদ্ভিদ। এর পাতা জলের উপরে ভেসে থাকলেও এর কন্দ জলের নিচে মাটির আশ্রয় নিয়া বংশবিস্তার করিতে থাকে এবং এভাবেই বেঁচে থাকে। জলের সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে পদ্মের ডাটা পানির নিচে বাড়তে থাকে সেইসঙ্গে পাতা পানির উপর ভাসতে থাকে। চিকন চিকন ও মসৃণ পদ্মের ডাটার ভিতরে স্পঞ্জের মত ফাঁপা ফাঁপা থাকে। এর তরকারিও খাওয়া হয় ।সবুজ রঙের পানাকৃতির পাতাগুলো দেখতে ধার গুলো কিছুটা খাচ্ কাটা ।যাহা দেখতে প্রক‌ৃতির মতই সুন্দর। ছায়া ও রাতে পদ্ম ফুল গুলো সুশোভিত ভাবে নিজেকে ফুটিয়ে পরিবেশ পরিস্থিতিকে মোহনীয় করে তোলে।  সদ্য ফোটা ফুলের মিষ্টি গন্ধ পাওয়া যায় । ফুল থেকে যে ফলের সৃষ্টি হয় তাকে আমরা খ৺চা, পদ্ম খ৺চা ,পদ্ম ফল ,পদ্ম চাকা, কমল ফল ইত্যাদি নামে ডেকে থাকি। সবুজ রংয়ের খাচাঁকৃতি এ ফলের ভিতরে বাদামের দানার মত ছোট ছোট দানা হয়ে থাকে ।যেগুলো আমরা সাধারণত খেয়ে থাকি এবং এই ফলোই পরিপুষ্ট হলে তা থেকে গাছও জন্মাতে পারি। বহুল প্রচলিত এই পদ্মফুলের বীজ থেকে আমরা মানব দেহের উপকারার্থে অনেক প্রকার ঔষধি গুণ বা ভেষজ গুণ দেখতে পাই। পুষ্টিগুণে ভরপুর...

Bottle gurd 100℅ Remove Diabetes

This vegetable is not only a low dose of fat , but for patients with heart disease, hypertension (blood pressure), glucose overdose (diabetes) is not only a drug, but also a lifelong diet.

Dear visitors, Greetings from everyone on my .Hope everyone is fine, I am fine too.

 Today is about my writing, about the "winter" and winter vegetables that are known to all around the world and acceptable to all religions -

 Bottle  Gurd/Lau Kadu

 Bottle Gurd is the fruit of a kind of shrub that is known and appreciated by people all over the world

 Nutritionists says, "Low Calorie Lau contains those types of amino acids that are extremely important and beneficial in keeping the body healthy."  Also, there are vitamins A, B and C, riboflavin, thiamine, magnesium, iron, zinc and adequate water.

 There are many different types of bahari names in the region Veda Lau - "Lau", "Lau Kadu", "Sachi Kadu", "Pani Kadu", "Lau Pumpkin", "White Pumpkin", "Pumpkin", and much more.  Most commonly known as "Sanchi Kadu" to Bengali speaking people of Bangladesh.

 Lou, whose English name is Calabash bottle / Guard / Bottle Guard etc, leaves named Guard Spinach.

Bottle Gurd Nutrition

 16 kilo-calorie of dietary energy per 100 gram of Bottle Gurd , which is as follows:

 * Protein ------------------------------------ 0.7 g

 * Carbohydrates ----------------------- 3.75 g

 * Dietary fiber ---------------------------- 1.5 g

 * Fat ------------------------------------------- 0.3 g

 * Calcium -------------------------------- 25 mg

 * Potassium --------------------------- 175 mg

 * Magnesium --------------------------- 12 mg

 * Iron --------------- ---------------------- 250 mg

 * Manganese ---------------------- 0.065 mg

 * Phosphorus -------------------------- 14 mg

 * Sodium -------------------- ----------- 1.5 mg

 * Zinc ------------------  ------------------ 1.6 mg

 * Thiamine-B1 --------------------- 0.030 mg

 * Riboflavin-B2 -------------------- 0.020 mg

 * Niacin-B3 ----------------------------- 1.5 mg

 * Pantothenic acid-B5-----------0.145 mg

 * Vitamin B6------------------------- 0.041 mg

 * Folet-B9 ----------------- --------------- 3 mcg

 * Vitamin-C ----------------------------- 8.5 mg

 * Water ------------------------------------ 94 %

 The stalks, fruit, aga, tip, leaves and fruit stalks and fruits (fruit bark) are all prepared as vegetables, vegetables, rice, chutney and soup.

 "The stuffing and chutney are kept on the list of delicious and appetizing dishes, by boiling Sanchi pumpkin pudding, dried beech shells, cucumber, and leaves.

 More and more Lou is cultivated in all the continents of the world and is equally appreciated by people of all ages as a curious vegetable.

 Lou is mixed with all vegetables including fish, meat, eggs and cooked and eaten.

 Lou "khichuri"(Mixed Food)  is a delicious and alluring meal for the rural inhabitants of India and Bangladesh.  How much fun to eat in the winter, it can only be described by those who ate it or otherwise regret it.

 "Spreading the salty smell of lu leaves, filling the sliced ​​leaves and chutney brings a new dose of new flavors to the dishes"

 Nutritionists are of the opinion that Vegetable can be cooked and mixed with all types of vegetables, including fish, meat, eggs and other nutrients in it.

 The use of cold and mature lau seed shells appears to be the most commonly used for making head oil.

 Lou Seeds has a united dominance in the production of sexual energy drugs.

 This vegetable is not only a low dose of fat , but for patients with heart disease, hypertension (blood pressure), glucose overdose (diabetes) is not only a drug, but also a lifelong diet.

 The bark of the mature lau is called a "Boash" (bottle).  Which is why Lau might have been a "bottleguard" to the British.

 How To Make Boash-

 The housewife, made of mature Lauise, looks like an earthen shaped, made-for-it-like, lightweight bottle conformity vessel.  The housewife cuts a round hole around the mature Lou'sFlush(bontta), making some holes inside it, this time, putting some amount of ash and water in the hole for a few days, the inner part becomes decomposed water, only Seed  (bichi)are good.  The inside is discarded and the beaches are dried in the sun for planting next season.  This time the vessel was well cleaned and dried in the sun.  Now the gentle housewives will easily store dry food in it.

 This is how the Bengali poet's writing echoes the "charisma" of Louie's "boonies" as well as the "charisma" of ...

" সাধের লাউ বানাইলো মোরে বৈরাগি ,
    লাউয়ের আগা খাইলাম,
    ডগাগো গো খাইলাম,
    লাউ দিয়া বানাইলাম "ডুগডুগি"।।
    সাধের লাউ ......  ......  ...... ।
Shadhera lau Banailo More Biragi,
Lauera Agga Khailam,
Dogga Go Khailama,
Lau Dia Banailama "Dugdugi"..
Shadhera Lau..... ...... ..... .

 In his songs, the poet has written candidly about Lau's eating of the ogre and the tip, and of making a " Dugdugee" with a jerk.

 It really does not want to match the melody and rhythm of the duodugi or a setar without "Boash".  Also, in the past, "boats", "dotaara", "sitar" and other types of musical instruments have been made, but in the course of time evolution, they are now mostly made of wood and mechanical means.

 @ The diet of Diabetes 

 Lau's role in controlling diabetes - Lou is a high-quality vegetable of high quality varieties.  It contains a large amount of water, beneficial ash, small oriental ingredients such as pancreas, and antioxidants.  Diabetes sufferers emphasize that diet and nutritionists are able to control diabetes throughout their lives if they take low diet to reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet.  This ensures a normal supply of insulin hormone, from healthy to pancreas.  As a result, diabetes is no longer a hindrance.

 @ Lau in winter cold -

 Lou seasonal can play a very effective role in preventing cough and fever, especially on the eve of the onset of winter.  Keeping Lou's curry food from the beginning will help prevent winter health problems.

 @ To prevent heart problems -

 Louie contains a large amount of potassium, heart-protective ingredients and minerals, and antioxidants.  Which disrupts the blood vessels of the heart and enhances its normal functioning.

 @ To maintain the skin's moisture and radiance -

 There is a large amount of water, moisture retention material, mineral, antioxidant and essential ingredients available in Lao.  These ingredients remove the dead cells of the skin and settle into new cells and retain the skin's normal moisture.

 @ To reduce high blood pressure -

 While calorie is not a source of energy, the sugars are also extremely low, containing only beneficial minerals, potassium, manganese, vitamin B3, antioxidants, and all the powerful ingredients for purifying blood vessels.  These active ingredients can easily remove the blood vessels, the blood vessel that is blocked.  As a result, blood pressure is easily controlled.

Read More-- Jackfruit 

 @ To keep the head cool -

 All of Lou's brains, including the elements that keep him cool, can play a very effective role in keeping the brain cells active.  Its antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, keep the head cool and do not allow unwanted thoughts to move.

 @ Controlling Cholesterol-

 Lau is very effective in eliminating harmful oxide groups in the human body.  It contains a large amount of potassium, magnesium, manganese and antioxidant ingredients.  All of these components make up for the harmful cholesterol in the human body and help to establish beneficial cholesterol.  Remember that it is possible to eliminate harmful cholesterol only with the power of the name Lou.

 @ Abdominal cramps and constipation -

 Lau Kadu has an abundance of ingredients, strong fibers and intestinal protective ingredients.  These ingredients can cure stomach cramps and are very effective in relieving constipation.

 @ In the protection of the kidneys-

 Due to the abundance of vegetables in water, the urine is removed by removing all obstacles to the kidney and detoxifying the body.

 @ Reduce the body fat of the body too -

 Some days after eating less calorie and fatty foods, you will become slim and healthy body after starving.  Also its vitamins, minerals, fiber, plenty of water, antioxidants, these ingredients will work.

 Writing about Lau is here today, and I will come back with some new writing soon.  Stay tuned.

 Writing and Pictures - Dr. Nazrul

  Ex teacher, experienced Homeopathy and Herbal physician and health columnist.


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